Andrew Christophi (Tofy Motorsport)

Andrew Christophi (Tofy Motorsport)

🥇2022 ACU 8.50 Bike Summer Nationals 2nd
🥇2022 ACU 8.50 Green Light Nationals Semi Finalist
🥇2023 ACU Comp Bike Green Light Nationals Semi Finalist

Andrew Started Drag Racing mid season in 2022 after building his first Turbo Suzuki Hayabusa. He battled to 2nd place at his first event out of 20+ bikes.

Prior to the 2023 season Andrew completely stripped the bike down to bare frame as he wanted to move into ACU comp bike from 8.50 Bike, which has no set ET, this would require greater power and setup.
Andrew achieved a personal best for his 2023 season of 7.75s in the ¼ mile and 5.0s in the 1/8th of a mile. His highest speed achieved for the year was 185mph in the ¼ mile.

Due to personal reasons Andrew was not able to attend as many events as he would have liked to, but to have built, tuned and ridden a 7 second machine within his first year of drag racing is a huge achievement in itself.

Andrew will be competing in ACU comp bike 2024, and has made drastic chassis upgrades. Andrew hopes to achieve 200mph in the ¼ of a mile and a ¼ mile et of 7.4 seconds or quicker.